New Precautions in Effect for Office Reopening May 18

Good news!! We plan to reopen the office on May 18, serving our patients back to our normal office hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Until then, we will continue to see emergency patients from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday. I am SO EXCITED to be available to provide patient care. I want to give each of you the biggest hug but I won’t since the CDC would frown on this practice. Just know how much we care and appreciate each one of you! Continue reading “New Precautions in Effect for Office Reopening May 18”

How to Properly Wear Gloves Out in Public


As a healthcare professional, I take for granted knowing how to properly wear and use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). In my previous about how to wear a face mask, I discussed how it must cover your nose and mouth completely, to be effective.

Wearing gloves in public should never be done! Once you put on a pair of latex gloves, everything you touch (your purse, your wallet, your car door, your groceries, your hair, etc.) becomes CONTAMINATED!! Wearing gloves to the grocery store does NOTHING to protect you from the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is an airborne pathogen, it cannot gain entry into your body through skin contact. Continue reading “How to Properly Wear Gloves Out in Public”

200 and Counting

UNC MaskSome of the hardest hit by our current crisis are charitable organizations that rely on social events for fundraising. An organization that I am grateful for and have participated in events to help raise money, is the SECU Family House of Chapel Hill.

When I started making masks (I have made just over 200 now) and people offered to pay me for my work, I thought of raising a couple of hundred dollars for SECU Family House. The sales were much better than I expected so I needed to get organized and have a plan. My new goal is to raise $5,000 for SECU Family House and I am halfway there!! Continue reading “200 and Counting”

Pedicure Anyone?

At Home Pedicure
As we are all navigating the current challenges our communities and country are facing, I hope that you are able to take a moment to enjoy this gift of time we have been given. Special time with those in your own household, catching up on chores and things we never have time for during the hectic day to day schedules we all have. Continue reading “Pedicure Anyone?”

Welcome to Our New Website!

Welcome to our all-new website. We hope that you will take a tour around our site and learn a little about your dental team, discover dental services that we have added, and find answers to post-treatment concerns.

We are honored that you have entrusted us with your dental care. Please return to our blog to learn about new happenings and feel free to share your feedback on our new site.