…much JOY & CHEER to our beloved family of patients. My staff and I are grateful to have had the opportunity to see and care for each of you. We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving however you may be celebrating this year. While we are out of the office, you can always reach me by email or phone. If my sewing machine is too loud and I do not hear you, leave a message 🙂 The office will be closed Wednesday through Friday of Thanksgiving week. Continue reading “Spreading…”
Author: jE3lssicbI89
Thank You
….exercising our ability to help a local charity. One of the charities our masks sales benefitted was Open Table Ministries of Durham. In an effort to offer additional support, my amazing staff was willing to participate in a virtual 5k at the end of our workday. We enjoyed a beautiful run/walk on this lovely afternoon. Madilyn ‘coached’ us and Shirley tried to make friends with every dog along the way.
Mask sales are still going strong! We are getting close to $40k raised for charity since April. I have suspended my Etsy site so I can focus on selling masks at our office. Please consider stopping by, getting yourself a fun, FUNKY and fashionable face covering. Pick up several….give them as gifts and help charity!
We just donated $2000 to Orange Literacy Council. Our next $2000 goes to Lineberger Cancer Center.
As always, thank you for your continued trust in us to provide for your dental needs. We love our patients and are grateful to be here to care for you!
How I Vote
I vote:
1. That we be kind to one another. Take the time to listen to someone with a different view. Find your common ground and appreciate your differences.
2. That we take time to find joy in our lives. This has been such a challenging year. Take the time to find your blessings! These two children (circa 2013) are one of my greatest blessings and this smile on Matthew melts all my worries and fears. Continue reading “How I Vote”
Love Notes
When school started for the fall, Matthew announced that he had signed himself up for band. We had no discussion of this, but I did know of his intense love for music. He is obsessed with the piano and even creates his own songs. When I told him the piano was not a band instrument, he said he knew that and he wanted to play the saxophone. Well, I scrambled to rent a saxophone and here we are a month into lessons and Matthew is playing me love notes nightly when I get home from work. Continue reading “Love Notes”
Let’s Be Serious About Wearing Our Masks
Cloth face coverings have been mandated in all public places, but very little guidance for their proper use has been provided. This would be like us giving you dental floss and then not telling you how to use it. Likely some would figure out the proper technique and some would just flat refuse to do it, just like mask-wearing.
Here are some instructions and thoughts about wearing your face mask: Continue reading “Let’s Be Serious About Wearing Our Masks”
A Grateful Heart…
….to have been blessed with these amazing women in my life!
Many of you have heard me talk about my grandmother, Shirley. I was attached to her side as a teenager. I would spend countless hours on the weekend learning how to sew, knit, cross-stitch, and bake. She also got me involved in the American Red Cross as a water safety instructor. She was an amazing, strong, supportive woman. I am grateful for every moment I had with her. Now as I spend countless hours in my sewing room, I feel close to her and thankful for what she taught me. She gave me something that brings me much joy and during this COVID crisis, I have been able to use this joy to spread the love to so many deserving charities. Continue reading “A Grateful Heart…”
Can’t Stop Now
…since we have to wear masks everywhere!
Even though we are back in the office, I can’t stop sewing. One, I LOVE it! Two, you NEED it!! Three, charities are BENEFITTING!! Stitches by Mrs. Funk is still working around the clock to produce fun, FUNKY and fashionable face coverings. I have finally added elastic ear loops to the masks that I offer. I did so reluctantly because I see so many masks under people’s chins. DON’T do this!! Continue reading “Can’t Stop Now”
The Forgotten Holiday?
I heard it suggested that Father’s Day is the forgotten holiday. I am not sure why this would be but I thought this would be a good time to say ‘Happy Father’s Day’ to our patients who are dads of any kind! Good to celebrate dads early and often 🙂
Many of you were lucky enough to meet my wonderful father while he was working in our office. For those of you who did not, you missed meeting an amazing man! He is kind, patient, hard working, loving and always available with a helping hand or a listening ear.
Some may think he encouraged me to go into dentistry but it was just the opposite! He wanted to be sure I chose a career path that was for me. At a young age, I was drawn to learning about what he did and wanted to be just like him. He cared for his patients so deeply and provided them excellent dental care. We could not go anywhere in my small hometown without running into a patient and sweet conversations followed. He had a loving staff that was with him almost his entire career. Thanks for being a great mentor and role model, Dad!
This photo was taken when I was in high school. My dad encouraged me to become a runner and we loved to run our annual hometown race, Run for the Diamonds, on Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Father’s Day!!
19 Years and Still Counting!
Yesterday marked 19 years since I opened my dental practice and 19 years that the four women with me in this photo have worked together. It is such a blessing to work with these strong, patient, kind, hard-working individuals. We are not just work partners, we are best friends who have gone through all sorts of life trials and tribulations. Thank you to them for being so committed to our practice. Thank you to you, our patients, for allowing us to care for you all these years. We are working on ways to celebrate next year’s milestone of the big 20! Continue reading “19 Years and Still Counting!”
The Only Thing That Is Not Sterile
….is the way we communicate with you! We annually complete our OSHA/HIPPA training and we are being encouraged to only communicate with patients through encrypted sources. This completely removes any personal communication that we have prided ourselves in providing to our patients.
We are here for you almost 24/7. Patients can email, call, text me anytime and I do my best to answer quickly during waking hours. This is often from my phone or my laptop and this source of communication is not encrypted (I honestly don’t even understand how all this works). But, to get ‘around’ this, I have been advised to have patients sign a consent that will permit me to continue to be able to answer your dental questions, concerns outside of my normal office hours. Continue reading “The Only Thing That Is Not Sterile”