Happy Fourth of July 2022!

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the amazing gift of living in the United States of America, may we reflect on the sacrifices of those who came before us to fight and defend the freedoms we enjoy. The older I get, the more I understand and appreciate the honor it is to live in this country. I hope and pray that each of you experience safe travels and a wonderful weekend enjoying picnics and fireworks.

My amazing team and I want to thank you for your continued support of the care we provide. We are truly grateful for each and everyone of you. The office will be closed July 4-8th so that we may enjoy some extended time with our families. Just because I am not in the office does not mean that I am not available for you should you have a dental emergency.

You can always email me: drjessica@jessicabishopdds.com


For Every Season….There Is Change

Twenty-one years ago, at the tender age of 26, I purchased my dental practice from my retiring mentor, Dr. Jeff Mazza. Dr. Mazza had faithfully served his patients for more than three decades and he handed the reins over to me. As you can imagine, this was a transaction that came with much stress and fear for someone in her mid-twenties and just out of dental school. Dr. Mazza was entering a season of retirement and enjoyment as I was entering the season of adulthood and business ownership.

Continue reading “For Every Season….There Is Change”

We are Celebrating Twenty Years Together

JessicaNext month, we will be celebrating twenty years since I bought the practice from Dr. Mazza (my amazing and supportive predecessor). He was patient and kind when dealing with a young dentist just out of dental school, learning her way. He was present and willing to continue to work a few more years as I got up to speed to care for his patients and he transitioned to retirement. Continue reading “We are Celebrating Twenty Years Together”

Don’t Hate Me

Duke Mask

I was asked last week if I had Duke fabric to make masks. I have been unable to procure any Blue Devil-themed cloth throughout my time of mask making. Thinking creatively, I figured I could come up with something embroidered that might even be better. I hope my patient will LOVE her mask.

As a UNC fan, we are taught to hate Duke but I just cannot bring myself to do this. Especially if Duke fans are willing to help me with my cause to raise money for charity!! Don’t worry, Tar Heel fans, each Duke mask is made with lots of Carolina love 🙂 Continue reading “Don’t Hate Me”

One, two, or three….


masks?? What is the perfect combination? It’s interesting that this is coming up now when we’ve been wearing masks for almost a year. When I took on the task of sewing masks, I researched what the CDC was recommending back in March 2020 From their website, they were suggesting three layers of quilting cotton and that is how I have been making our fun, FUNKY and fashionable designs. In fact, most homemade masks are made with at least two layers. An added benefit of most of my masks is that they have a filter pocket that can be used for another layer of protection. This quite simply can be a piece of silk or a coffee filter. Continue reading “One, two, or three….”

Mental Health

Mental HealthThe title of this blog post looks like it could be a typo…. it could have read Dental Health. Perhaps someday I will use this format to tell you more about teeth. Until then….

This undoubtedly has been one of the most challenging years we have faced as a nation. I feel fortunate that my staff and I have been able to care for each of you in a safe and healthy environment for the last ten months. The smiles I am afforded to see and the laughter I hear as I move about our dental office brings me much joy. I am able to experience and feel some level of normalcy and love. Continue reading “Mental Health”

Sadly, one of us….

….could benefit from the money Stitches by Mrs. Funk is raising through mask sales. Stacy McCauley’s (one of our new hygienists) sister-in-law found out in late July that she has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. To help offset some of her extensive hospital bills, Stacy has started Sylvia’s Squad as a way to both emotionally and financially support Sylvia through her battle with cancer. Continue reading “Sadly, one of us….”